News And Other Things I’ve Read 28.11.2021

Arms Length Painting
9 min readNov 28, 2021

Games Workshop News

The Imperium Is Driven By Hate, Warhammer Isn’t

I just want to highlight this here, I’m not going to rephrase it but it appears necessary to point out that we need to treat all players equally. I also want to add to that that most players don’t need this — they do it anyway — but just keep it in mind please. That goes for everything — Warhammer and life in general. Thanks.

A History Of Dragons

Warhammer dragons that is. I am unaware of any evidence that suggests that dragons are real, and while from a romatic point of view that’s a bit of a shame. At least I won’t get eaten while walking the dogs.

Venom Worm (R) and Cave Dragon (L) models — models circa late 1970s

Early dragons — in the standard 70s style they aren’t very detailed. But to me at least they have a certain nostalgic charm — I would quite happily buy these today if they were available. Take note GW. A lot of thiese model changes can be attributed to improved casting techniques, and the sculptors getting more adept with them. But the underlying design stays the same — quite slim of body, long snouts, wings, long tails. Unlike some other dragons that look quite rotund — see the “chicken dragon” below.

Imperial (Chicken) Dragon (L) (early 1980s) and Dragon Master Dragon (R)

I feel the Dragon Master dragon keeps more to the Warhammer dragons of more modern times. Before the end times, the dark times when they killed the Old World. In fact painted blue I don’t think that would be out of place in many Old World elf armies. The imperial dragon on the other hand — I don’t like it as much. It feels a bit fat and holds the moniker chicken dragon well. And was rather ambitious pushing casting techniques to their limit — the wing membrane had to be filled in with tinfoil as they were impossible to cast in plastic. Something I’m not convinced GW would get away with today.

Zombie Dragon circa 1990s

Then we have the Zombie Dragon — the last of the old dragons in my book. After this all dragons could reasonably be proxied into a modern Old World Warhammer game. The design language had been written, now it was just minor changes. Back to the Zombie Dragon though — I’m not sure what it is. Whether its the old model on its back with the banner or the more bright ‘Eavy Metak painting techniques of yore. It just doesn’t fit with the modern models. It mught also be the casting — to the best of my knowledge this was the last metal dragon — after which they moved to plastic. Though that might not be exactly true — I’m sure there were a few cast in finecast. But I think the design language between resin and plastic translates better than between metal and plastic. Now lets see the modern dragons.

Plastic Dragon (Top L), Classic Chaos Dragon (Top M), Black Dragon (Top R), Chaos Dragon (Bottom L), Newer Black Dragon (Bottom M), High Elf Dragon (Bottom R)

The top 3 share design very nicely, they share the same wings (from the same moulds) which might explain some of this. They are the older 3 — slightly chunkier than the bottom dragons. Speaking of the bottom dragons the Chaos Dragon really seems out of place. It’s too twisted and bust for me, the older classic Chaos Dragon is a much nicer model. I appreciate they wanted to make him look twisted by the powers of Chaos but I feel they have gone too far. And lost some of the classic lines that dragons need. The other two on the other hand lovely.

Now the Age Of Sigmar dragons — I feel GW lost their way a bit in their eagerness to throw away all that was the Old World. The dragons got too chunky agains — I mean its a cool model but I preferred the old sleek serpentine dragons. In their defence they are now called star drakes — so maybe they don’t need to look like dragons. But we all know they are meant to be dragons

Karazai (L), Krondys (R)

Welcome back a modern take on classic dragons. Sleeker than the Star Drake but chunkier than classic dragons. Though I still prefer the classics.

New Easterlings — Dragon Warriors

New Easterlings — that means new Middle Earth miniatures — that means I’m excited. These models look pretty cool — more elite than the standard Easterlings. Which to be honest already have their own pretty unique look — lots of gold and generally quite a harsh evil look. Really I prefer the Haradrim — with more cloth. Maybe because I hate painting gold or metal in general.

New Rohan Scenery And Battle Of Balin’s Tomb

Some new Rohan houses — these look pretty good. But to be honest thet are not the models that I am interested in. So I’m going to breeze over them. To the fun stuff then

Remember the Mines Of Moria starter set. I do that is the first set I bought. In fact I liked it so much that I recently (in the last year) bought it again in bits from Ebay. After I sold it when I got rid of all of my Lord Of The Rings stuff. But I really like the Fellowship — I already own them in fact I am looking at Gandalf and Aragorn now. So for me at least I would definitely pick this up unless you have already bought it in parts — which I have. So I won’t buy it again.

Humble Bundle Audio Books

Anyone want some audio books from the Black Library? Check the link above.

Miniature News

Halfling “Southern Conquerors” — STL Or Resin Models— Kickstarter

I have a soft spot for halflings — and for the weird and wonderful. So why not have a set of halfling adventurers. Come to think of it that would make a good D&D party — the eating adventurers. Or possibly a story — maybe 4 hobbits could go on an adventure, maybe with a ring?

Lets have a look at the models then — the image above is a printed and painted from the STL files. So it should give you an idea of what the models should look like. I do like them, they look pretty crisp. And all have nice shared design look as if they are all adventuring in a party. Maybe worth a look if you need some halflings — more images below of each model.

Humble Bundle 3D Printer STLS For D&D

Now this is 2 bundles that I have cunning included in one section — to minimise the number of words I needed to write. Although I should say that typing this bit has cost me more words than I have saved. So more fool me.

Both of these bundles are D&D appropriate. One is monsters and terrain and the other is a mix of monsters and potential party members. The links are included above — the parts of the title lead to the different bundles. So you may peruse them at your leisure.

Totally Not Chaos Knights — Creature Caster

Creature caster is one of them Forge World like companies — well known for making big centre piece models. That contain oodles of resin with a price tag to match.

Now these models are pretty cool — even if they are obviously stealing the design language from the Chaos Knights. I’m not sure on scale, as to whether of not you could reasonably proxy them. But I particularly like “bug eyes” on the right. He looks a bit Nurglely with an almost fly like face.

Almughavars — Spanish Light Infantry — Fireforge

Spanish light infantry — a slightly weird combination. Weird is the wrong word — but a strange thing for me to be looking at given th fact I own no Spanish models or Medieval models that these would be appropriate for. But as usual the models look nice so I have to have a look. And now you can to.

Swordpoint The Hundred Years War— Gripping Beast

Speaking of not having an medieval miniatures — heres a game system that might be appropriate for them. Covering the 100 year conflict between England and France and also some battles in the Iberian peninsula. See I’m going to link this to the Spanish warriors above somehow or another. This is an expansion to the already exisiting Swordpoint system — if that means anything to you it might be worth picking up — if not maybe have a look if you want to?

Fantasy Football Cheerleaders — STL — Kickstarter

I’m going to preface this by saying these models are a little more lewd than the ones I usually cover. But I’m making an exception because cheerleaders seem to pretty much be a necessity in many miniature Football games (that being American football where you play with your hands). The most famous of which is Blood Bowl — but there is also Guild Ball amongst many others.

High Elves (L) Dark Elves (R)

Pretty classic look — I mean there is nothing to change. But if you need some cheerleaders for something (and you have a 3D printer) go ahead.

Battlescribe Abandonware?

I’m sure we have all used Battlescribe — only for armies that we already own the books for. But it appears to have been abandoned with the last update being 07/06/2020. But I hear you cry my army has been updated recently. Correct you are — but I mean the core code not the data packs (the army data the community updates). What does this mean? It depends really maybe it isn’t abandoned and the update is just taking ages for some reason. Or maybe it is — but I don’t think battlescribe is really wanting for any new features so that might be fine. Unless you are using it on a phone — in which case the ineveitable march of OS updates will break it eventually.



Arms Length Painting

Painting models so they look decent at arms length — I do what I say on the tin, at least I would if I lived in a tin.